best concealed door closers

Best Concealed Door Closers

Plan carefully

when it comes to choosing a door closer for your home or commercial property there are many factors which has to be considered very carefully in order to ensure that you have a satisfactory end result. You must never forget that there are many manufacturers of door closers which is providing the consumer with a wide variety of options.

It is also important to ensure that you comply with building specifications and safety regulations but most importantly you must ensure that your chosen door closer is something which will satisfy your preferences as a home or business owner. There are several important things to remember when choosing a door closer such as backswing requirements, the affordability of the product, the location of the door, the mounting location, closing and operating frequencies and also the weight and the size of the door where the door closer is going to be installed.

Understanding the purpose of door closers


best concealed door closers

door closers have been designed for traffic areas which is subjected from medium to heavy traffic conditions and in order to deal with these conditions they are designed to be highly durable and sturdy.

There are other designs which has been specifically manufactured for interior conditions but there are also those which are more suitable to be used on exterior doors and some of the products which is available are products which has been used very effectively over many years. Many people are familiar with overhead door closers and even floor fitted closers and all of these are highly durable and have been known to be effective for use in heavy traffic areas.

Some of the most attractive options are those door closers which are invisible to the eye but which nevertheless provides satisfactory service over many years. This is why frame mounted closers and other types of concealed door closers are mostly used on interior doors which is known for a medium amount of traffic.

Identify your specific needs

when it comes to concealed door closers, they are still a couple of factors which has to be considered in order to ensure that the most satisfying product is installed. In this regard, it is very important for consumers to have an adequate understanding of all the various kinds of door closers which are available and also the specific advantages which is provided by each of those products.

It is important to find the perfect match between the door and the door closer and it is important to understand that heavier doors or those doors which are subjected to heavy traffic will require a kind of door closer which is extremely sturdy and durable. It will be best to contact a professional who will be able to provide you with professional advice because in this way it will be possible to avoid unnecessary disappointment and dissatisfaction.

We’ve curated a list of the best concealed door closers across a range of price-points.

DORMA RTS87 Transom Concealed Door Closer


This is a door closer that carries a certification from CERTIFIRE which is handy because it can provide a property owner with that little bit of additional peace of mind.

The manufacture is providing a range of products which is suitable for all kinds of frames. This product allows the property owner to adjust the mechanical backcheck as well as the force which is expended by the door closer.

This is a concealed door closer that can be used on double action and on single action doors. This door closer can be used on all doors up to a maximum width of 1100 mm. Furthermore, this door closer is completely concealed within the frame where in the door has been installed.

  • When installed this door closer is completely concealed.
  • The product carries a certification from CERTIFIRE which is one less thing to worry about.
  • Both the mechanical backcheck and the power exerted by the door closers is adjustable.
  • This door closer can be used on doors with a maximum width of 1100 mm.
  • both single and double action doors can benefit from this excellent design.


  • Works on both double and single action doors.
  • CERTIFIRE certification.
  • Can handle doors width of 1100 mm.
  • Fully adjustable actions.
  • Perfectly concealable product.


  • Can struggle with older doors at maximum capacity.
  • Laymen can be confused by manual.

DORMA RTS85 Transom Door Closer

Dorma RTS85 closer
Dorma RTS85 Transom Door Closer

This is a high quality and perfectly designed product which is made available with a variety of accessories which makes this door closer suitable for just about any configuration imaginable. Because of their design you only require one closer body which can be used on just about every type of installation. This is a product that will work equally well on double and single action doors. The product will support various widths of doors in fact anything between 950 mm and 1250 mm. Furthermore, the visual end result will be extremely satisfying because this door closer is completely hidden within the frame of the door.

  • Consumers get a surprising variety of accessories which makes this product suitable for a large number of configurations.
  • Because of the excellent design one closer body can be used for a variety of installations.
  • Whether needed for double or single action doors this product will not disappoint.
  • Any door width between 950 mm and 1250 mm can be served by this door closer.
  • You get a fully functional door closer which is completely hidden in the frame of the door.


  • High quality German product.
  • Fully concealed closer.
  • Comprehensive installation instructions.
  • Fully adjustable.


  • Just a little complicated at first.

Dorma RTS80EMB Concealed Transom Door Closer

RTS80EMBdoor closer
DORMA RTS 80 EMB Transom Closer

This is another excellent product which carries a certification from CERTIFIRE. It has a function known as an electromagnetic hold open feature which is able to lock the door in a position between 75 and 175°. This door closer is also fitted with a mechanical backcheck.

Once again this is a product which will function equally well on double and single action doors. As far as the door width is concerned, this product can be installed on doors of between 1100 mm and 1250 mm. This product is completely hidden within the frame and therefore this door closer is completely hidden out of sight.

  • You purchase a product which carries a certification from CERTIFIRE.
  • You can keep your door open between75 and 175° because of the electromagnetic feature.
  • This product has a mechanical backcheck.
  • This product has been designed to be used on both double and single action doors.
  • This product will serve a door width of anything between 1100 mm and 1250 mm.
  • once you install the product it is hidden from view because it is masked within the frame.


Global Door Controls TC7030LP

This product has been designed for use on aluminum, wood and hollow metal headers all of which will benefit from a concealed door closer because a surface mounted product is simply not the best option. This door is being designed to support a 105° adjustable spring tension which makes it suitable for doors of various weights and sizes.

It has a center pivot which makes it perfect for use on both double and single acting doors. In many cases property owners require the benefits which is provided by a concealed door closer. This why this product is often used in hospitals, office buildings, schools, department stores and other corporations and organizations which require reliable and high-quality solutions on both interior and exterior doors.

This product has been designed to handle doors that weight as much as 175 pounds and which may be as wide as 41 inches and this can include exterior and interior doors. This is certainly a concealed door closer solution which can be used with confidence on many properties.

  • This product will work on hollow metal header doors, wood and also aluminum.
  • It supports a 105° adjustable spring tension and can be used on many doors.
  • It will work for double and single-action doors because it is center pi suitable course of voted.
  • When it comes to visual satisfaction this concealed door closer is the perfect solution.
  • It is often used on public property such as hospitals, schools and also department stores.
  • It is suitable to be used on doors which weight as much as 175 pounds.


  • works as expected.
  • A very sturdy product.


  • Cannot maintain a105o open position as claimed.
  • Critical components were not provided.
  • Consumers complained of false advertising.
  • Consumers feel that they’re being taken advantage of.


R100 Powermatic Door Closer

perko powermatic concealed door closer
Perko Powermatic R100 Hydraulic Door Closer

This product has gained a reputation of one of the most sophisticated door closers on the planet which is also completely concealed when the door is in the closed position. It has proven that it can provide reliability, superior performance and this door closer also has several unique features which makes it suitable for fire and non-fire door applications especially in institutions which deal with education, healthcare, the hospitality industry and also in residential housing. There are also many other places where this door closer can be used.

  • This is a high-quality product that carries a CERTIFIRE approval.
  • It complies with the standard BS 476 which is required for all one hour and half-hour fire doors.
  • It also complies with the BS EN 1634-1 and has been approved for use on one hour and half-hour fire doors.
  • This product has also been CE marked.
  • It has also been type tested for the BS EN 1154 standard.


  • CERTIFIRE approval.
  • Can be used on fire doors.
  • This is a high-quality product


  • Somewhat on the expensive side.


R85 Perkomatic Door Closer

Perkomatic R85 Concealed Door Closer
Perkomatic R85 Concealed Door Closer

This product has long been considered to be the ultimate device when it comes to concealed and uncontrolled door closing products which consistently provide a high level of durability, performance and extended service. This door closer has been specifically designed to be used on both light and medium interior and exterior doors up to a maximum weight of 75 kg. This is a door closer which is housed in an extremely lightweight aluminum casing. Nevertheless, the highly effective hydraulic mechanism is easily adjustable in order to provide the user with the perfect latching action which is suitable whatever the application might be. Furthermore, the precision-engineered chain ensures lasting as well as extremely smooth service over many years. Each product is provided with the necessary fixings screws and extensive instructions is provided in order to ensure the correct installation.

  • This product is known as an uncontrolled door closer which is not CE-marked.
  • Because of the superior design, this is a closer which can be expected to last for 500,000 closing cycles.
  • This door closer has been manufactured to comply with BS EN ISO 9001: 2000 quality systems.
  • This product will be suitable for duty which ranges between light and medium.
  • This product has been fired test and therefore can be used indoors which has been tested to both BS EN 1634-1 and BS 476 standards.
  • This excellent product is completely concealed which ensures an optimally pleasing end result which provides almost 0 opportunities for criminals or vandals.


  • Functions satisfactorily in a busy office corridor.
  • Very simple adjustment process.
  • Powerful enough to close even heavy doors.
  • Consumers happily recommend the product.
  • Durable enough to provide long-term service.


  • product is expensive.
  • Installation can be complicated.

CRL CRL7270 Heavy-Duty 105 Hold Open Overhead Concealed Closer


This door closer makes use of independent adjustment valves. This system of noncritical valve control is implemented to adjust both latching speed and closing speed however independent of each other. This design also has special retaining links which is useful because it will prevent a situation where the adjustment screws is turn out all the way from the body of the door closer.

This door closer can be used on doors weighing as much as 200 pounds. It can also be used on doors as wide as 42 inches. However, when used on interior doors the door can be as wide as 48 inches. All doors as high as 96 inches can be fitted with this door closer. Do not use for doors which are exceeding 220 pounds.

  • A five-year limited warranty is supplied with this product.
  • The user will receive comprehensive instructions to aid with installation.
  • They are 20 models available in this range.
  • This product is interchangeable with all Jackson style overhead concealed door closers.
  • Do not use this product on doors acceding 220 pounds.
  • It can be used on interior doors as wide as 48 inches and exterior doors as wide as 42 inches.
  • A maximum height of 96 inches is supported.


  • the heavy-duty claims refer to the heavy spring force and not to the number of cycles.
  • Product installs easily and works well.
  • Swift closing and latching function.


  • Not ADA compliant.
  • The claims of for a 105° open position is a myth.
  • There is no adjustment on the opening function.
  • Some effort has to be used to open the door.



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